What Happens to My Condo if I Go to a Nursing Home?
Condo living can be a wonderful life … but what happens to your condo if something happens to you?
Can a Deceased Person’s Estate Keep an Economic Stimulus Payment?
As Grandville, Mi estate planning and probate attorneys, we are seeing an increasingly common scenario. Someone calls our office, not quite sure what their legal obligation is. A friend or relative passed away sometime in the past year. The caller, who is typically...
Estate Planning – It’s Not So Bad!
Do you dread estate planning? I’ll let you in on something . . . it’s not that bad. In fact, most of my clients say it’s pretty painless and that the sense of control they gain over their own futures is well worth it. I think the real hesitation is the unknown . . ....
What You Need To Know About Jury Duty
Last week’s high-profile trial in Kent County has me thinking about jury duty. So let’s dig in to some common questions I’ve received about jury duty – the most frequent being “How do I get out of jury duty?” If that's a question you have, I hope you will reconsider...
Baar & Lichterman Attorney in Best Lawyers in America
For Immediate Release: Baar & Lichterman, PLLC, is proud to announce that Attorney Michael Lichterman was selected by peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2020 for his work in the practice area of Trusts and Estates. Best Lawyers is one of the most...
Misleading Mail About Certificate of Good Standing
You started your business! You have waded through the decision-making process as well as filed all of the proper paperwork with the State of Michigan. Everything looks ship-shape and you can start focusing on running your business! Your trip out to the mailbox brings...
Big News for Painting Contractors
Many people know that, in Michigan, a residential builder must hold a residential builders’ license. However, most people may are not aware that other construction trades must be licensed as a residential maintenance and alteration contractor (“an M&A license”). ...
Protecting Against Scammers After Death
It is incredibly difficult to lose a loved one. Grieving is a natural part of that and something that each of us needs to take time for. And yet, there are people out there who try to take advantage of those who are grieving. Sometimes it is directly - they try to...
Important Medicaid Numbers for 2019
If you or a loved one need to qualify for Medicaid or to plan ahead to make qualification easier, there are some critically important numbers that you need to know. These numbers are updated every year and are key to being able to qualify or to plan to qualify. As a...
Transferring a Michigan Automobile After Death
I've been asked this question quite a bit lately: “my relative passed away. He/she had a car, not really worth all that much. Is there a way we can just transfer that without a court proceeding?” The short answer is . . . maybe. As with many legal questions, it...
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Grandville, MI 49418
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