Civil Litigation
General Civil
Contingency Matters
Despite everyone’s best efforts, sometimes litigation is unavoidable. Litigation is the legal world’s equivalent to a battle, and should not be taken lightly. The American Justice system is one of the best systems in the world to settle a dispute – and yet it still has its flaws, which should be discussed and addressed.
Preparation Is Key
In litigation, preparation is key and starts during the initial consultation, where we discuss facts, develop goals, and outline a strategy.
There are many issues to discuss – including the cost in terms of time, money and even relationships. We take the “counselor” role of being an attorney very seriously. If litigation is not in your best interest, we will explain the other paths available to you. After we discuss all of your options and answer all of your questions, you will likely have a clear sense of direction.

Many people watch television and movies and think that once a lawsuit is filed, a trial happens quickly.
Despite what the media may portray, only a small percentage of lawsuits end in trial – and a trial may be a year or more away. Most lawsuits settle. Many times, a Judge will require the parties to engage in facilitative mediation, which often helps the parties work toward a settlement. West Michigan is blessed with many talented mediators to assist in the process. In our experience, mediation assists people engaged in a dispute to see an issue from another perspective. Breaking down barriers and opening lines of communication is often the key to resolving a conflict.
However, sometimes cases cannot be resolved amicably, and you must go forward with a trial. This is when the “attorney as advocate” hat will be worn. With that said, you are the client and are in charge of the process. At each step of your case, we will keep you informed so you can make the best decision for you and/or your business.
Collecting On A Judgment Can Be A Challenge
We are highly qualified to assist you in collecting on your judgment.
Garnishments, levies, judgment liens, and a request and order to seize property are just some of the tools we may use to collect on a judgment.
In our experience, litigation can be something that can become all-consuming and can overwhelm other aspects of your life.
Litigation can be messy and stressful. We always look for a creative opportunity to work towards a sensible resolution in an attempt to avoid the costs of litigation. But when litigation is necessary, we will walk you through the process and diligently advocate for you in order to give you the best chance to prevail on the merits of your claim.
Let us know if we can help with your case.
Get In Touch
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(616) 965-2221
Visit Us:
3140 Red Mill Ave SW
Grandville, MI 49418
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How We Can Help
Business Law
Civil Litigation
Elder Law
Estate Planning
Real Estate